Pipe Size Change to adjust hanger rod sizes

2 votes

We currently have ancillary kits applied to our pipe hangers and a break point table set up in the ITM hanger settings so that when the add hangers feature is used it will place hangers on the pipe with rod sizes based off the pipe size instead of the insulation/hanger size.
There are many times when we need to change pipe sizes late in the game when coordination has been done on the hangers and having to rerun the hanger feature and re-coordinate the hanger locations is no an efficient workflow (unfortunately the hanger collision tool is very slow and not all of the trades involved in a project are in revit, so the coordination many times is still manual).
I would like to have a refresh feature that would run through the eVolve ITM Hanger settings and update the hanger rod sizes based off the new pipe size.

Needs more information or votes Hangers Suggested by: Chad Demick Upvoted: 07 Jul, '23 Comments: 1

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