Adding Do not Ask me again check box to spool prompts

1 votes

The situation I have is we have a cloud model. 2 detailers working in that cloud model. One detailer is modeling and one detailer is making spools. The detailer that is spooling noticed a slight change needed in the piping after he has already created the spool. He updates the piping and updates the spool and syncs. The detailer who is modeling does a sync and save and gets the prompt that is on the top in the attached. Our guys are told to hit Yes on this prompt but at times guys are hitting no accidentally(nobody is perfect)and messing things up because if they say no then no updates will be made to the spool. But when the detailer doing the modeling hits no then does a sync and save, it will save the old one back to the cloud model. The spooler should get prompted again at this point next time he does a sync and save but they are told to hit yes at all times and in this case he should hit no so that his new spool will be the latest. If we have a check box with a do not show again th

Needs more information or votes Spooling Suggested by: Zach Doyle Upvoted: 26 Oct, '21 Comments: 0

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