Add a "spool continuation tag" to the eVolve Mechanical Annotation tags

5 votes

There are times where evolve doesnt always generate the best isometric views, and i will have to go in and create a new view. When i place that newly created window in my spool it just shows the base object, from which i can retag my parts. However when i do so i found that there is no icon option for the "spool continuation tag" to re-designate my connected spools. (In otherwords i cannot just simply retag an object to show the next connecting spool in line).

In such instances i will have to take the extra time to manually annotate a new label, and thought it would be a lot easier and faster if we could instead have a new tag created and placed into the evolve mechanical annotation tags.

Needs more information or votes Spooling Suggested by: Steve Bolt Upvoted: 19 Apr Comments: 0

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