Is there a way to make some kind of tag/ effect on in our case ductwork after downloading.

3 votes

At certain times we download multiple branches of duct that can easily hold 150+ items in one download. Say a week goes by and we get a call to pick up where we left off. Well only one person in our office has the authority to go into the download and see where i stopped and he can give me a piece number, which i can use to find where i stopped. So im asking is there a way you can give us some kind of tag/effect that can highlight what we downloaded and give it a name. That way we can name it the same as the download name it will make for a much faster response time . To be able to start where i left off over going threw multiple people to do the same thing. This could possibly save us seconds if not minutes.

Everyone in our office would benefit from this!

Needs more information or votes Annotations Suggested by: Anonymous Upvoted: 26 Oct, '21 Comments: 0

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