Feature to turn off automatically updating spools

1 votes

We are having an issue when the message comes up asking "Should the newly merged parts be added to the existing spool (xxxx)?" with parts that should not be part of the spool that are being added to it. It also breaks up certain areas where intentional field joints are made. Sheets are then being recreated with the incorrect parts. This makes us go back, remove items from the spool that should not be there and then remake the sheets.

We are looking for a feature to turn this off. We do not want spools to update automatically with pieces that are added later on and are looking for a way to have someone make a spool, decide where the breaks are themselves and if need be, go back and add items or change the location for the breaks themselves.

Needs more information or votes Spooling Suggested by: Anonymous Upvoted: 26 Oct, '21 Comments: 0

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