ReducingTee Specification

2 votes

The biggest feature that I miss from working in CADmep is design lines ability to place the proper tee at reductions in main size. In domestic water for example, you would have the proper reducing tee if the main size drops at a branch. I can achieve a similar modeling workflow with multipoint fill, but I have to go back and delete the reducer after the tee and change the tee to a reducing main tee. The same goes for drawing drainage pipe. I can get the tee or combo to show up, but then have to go back and delete the piece of pipe between the reducer, and move the reducer back to the tee/combo. It would be nice to have a specification by service that could streamline these steps for us when modeling.

Needs more information or votes Modeling Workflow Suggested by: Brian Welch Upvoted: 26 Oct, '21 Comments: 0

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