Provide the ability to apply maximum length extension on ductwork fittings & Automatic Length Optim

2 votes

In AutoCAD we have the option to apply a maximum length to ductwork fittings. Unfortunately this feature does not carry through in Revit. Is there a way that eVolve can provide this feature? I attempted to make a Dynamo Code to accomplish this. It works by filtering the fab parts based on their CID number. It then exposes the "Bottom Extension" & "Top Extension" fields from the fab part. It then read the fields length and goes through and "If" statement. The "If" statement says that if the extensions are greater than 18" it will reset the extension length to 18". I was not successful on being able to write this back to the fab parts. If eVolve could make this mechanism be happening in the background as we are drawing in Revit, it will be a huge help for ductwork drafting. Subsequently, would eVolve have the ability to run the "optimize lengths" Revit feature in the background as one is drafting? This would be similar to how AutoCAD Behaves.

Needs more information or votes eVolve Properties Suggested by: Brandon De La Llana Upvoted: 26 Oct, '21 Comments: 0

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